专业设计5 | Design Studio 5

(2023版 | Edition 2023)

专业设计5 | Design Studio 5

(2023版 | Edition 2023)

基本信息 | Basic Information

课程性质 | Course Type: 必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID: 55010306 授课语言 | Language: 中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite: 数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev. 学分 | Credits: 4 课内学时 | Total Hours: 68
课程性质 | Course Type:必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID:55010306
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese 数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev.
学分 | Credits:4 课内学时 | Total Hours:68
课程性质 | Course Type:必修 | Compulsory
课程编号 | Course ID:55010306
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese
学分 | Credits:4
课内学时 | Total Hours:68

课程简介 | Course Introduction

In this course, students go through a complete process of creation in teams under the guidance of the teacher. This course provides them with an opportunity to produce high-quality works so as to participate in various disciplinary competitions. At the same time they may also accumulate experience for their graduation projects about to begin very soon. Experts from the industries are often invited to participate as supervisors in this course, and the forms of the outcomes include but are not limited to games for fun, serious games, interactive applications, virtual reality / augmented reality applications, and so forth.

学习评价 | Learning Evaluation

This creation-oriented course places emphsis on practice and requires the student-teams to submit a showreel video to promote their work, an introductory video to explain the concept of their creation, and a working prototype of their games or interactive applications at the end of the semester. They are also required to present to the public their work in the form of a presentation and an exhibition.

课程内容 | Course Content

  • 1 课程简介
    • 1.1 教学目标
    • 1.2 考核要求
  • 2 开题阶段
    • 2.1 课题介绍
    • 2.2 选题研讨
    • 2.3 确定选题
  • 3 设计阶段
    • 3.1 玩法/交互设计
    • 3.2 美术/概念设计
  • 4 开发阶段
    • 4.1 美术内容制作
    • 4.2 程序开发与调试
  • 5 结题阶段
    • 5.1 结题报告
    • 5.2 结题展览
  • 1 Introduction to the Course
    • 1.1 learning target
    • 1.2 evaluation
  • 2 Creation Plan Proposal
    • 2.1 introduction
    • 2.2 discussion
    • 2.3 decision
  • 3 Design
    • 3.1 game mechanism/interaction design
    • 3.2 art/concept design
  • 4 Development
    • 4.1 art content creation
    • 4.2 programming and debugging
  • 5 Summary
    • 5.1 final report
    • 5.2 exhibition
  • 1 课程简介
    • 1.1 教学目标
    • 1.2 考核要求
  • 2 开题阶段
    • 2.1 课题介绍
    • 2.2 选题研讨
    • 2.3 确定选题
  • 3 设计阶段
    • 3.1 玩法/交互设计
    • 3.2 美术/概念设计
  • 4 开发阶段
    • 4.1 美术内容制作
    • 4.2 程序开发与调试
  • 5 结题阶段
    • 5.1 结题报告
    • 5.2 结题展览
  • 1 Introduction to the Course
    • 1.1 learning target
    • 1.2 evaluation
  • 2 Creation Plan Proposal
    • 2.1 introduction
    • 2.2 discussion
    • 2.3 decision
  • 3 Design
    • 3.1 game mechanism/interaction design
    • 3.2 art/concept design
  • 4 Development
    • 4.1 art content creation
    • 4.2 programming and debugging
  • 5 Summary
    • 5.1 final report
    • 5.2 exhibition

学习资料 | Learning Materials

考查要求 | Exam Requirement
● 完成选题与设计,包括玩法/交互机制、艺术概念与/或剧情 | Design proposal: gameplay/interaction, artistic concept and/or story
● 完成可以实际运行并供体验的作品原型 | Create a prototype that can practically run and offer user experience
● 2-3分钟宣介视频及3-5分钟概念阐述视频 | A game trailer (2-3 minutes) and a video describing design concept (3-5 minutes)
● 为期一周的展览(包括策展、布展与撤展) | A one-week-long exhibition (including the design, preparation and withdrawal of the exhibition)
成绩构成 | How the final score is given
● 出勤记录 | Attendance: 20%
● 创作成果 | Creation achievement: 50%
● 作品展览 | Exhibition: 30%
时间节点 | Milestones
● 确认选题 | Proposal Confirmation: 9.21
● 中期汇报 | Mid-term Report: 10.19
● 结项汇报 | Conclusive Report: 11.9
● 作品展览 | Exhibition: 11.13 ~ 11.19
分组情况 | Teams
第一组:鮟鱇鱼 | team 1: Monkfish
团队成员 | team members: 林尤翔 刘一驰 徐皓月 段牧子 刘隽语
第二组:沃夫勒88 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
团队成员 | team members: 毛一迪 徐亦婷 梁心怡
第三组:洪涝灾害 | team 3: Flood Disaster
团队成员 | team members: 程彦淞 埃米尔 陈佳一
参考资料 | References
● VRChat
● Moncage笼中窥梦
● 溯光行
● Faces of smell
● Peterson Automotive Museum
● The Tate Modern
● Natural History Museum
● 故宫清明上河图 3.0
● 张家界星球
● 长安十二时辰主题街区
● Road Sweet Road
● Stereo Boy
● Garden Galaxy
● Open Heritage
● Peter William Holde
● 城市森林
● 出狮
● Florence
● Hundred Days
● Walkr
● 奇妙探险队
简介:奇妙探险队(The Curious Expedition)是一款设定在19世纪末期的探险模拟游戏。
● Mechanical Masterpieces
简介:是一组针对 21 世纪重新构思的绘画作品集。
● 可穿戴嗅觉模拟装置
● 十九峰 · 山海经奇英雄之路
简介:神话IP+LBS社交, 导览,养成+收集+探索玩法,与异兽一同探索终极山海的秘密
● 口子酒文化博物馆
● TeamLab teahouse
● Teamlab 无相的世界
● 原神
● Teamlab生命是结晶化的光芒
● 台州黄岩仙元宇宙
初步设计方案 | preliminary proposal
第二组:沃夫勒88 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
第三组:洪涝灾害 | team 3: Flood Disaster
完善方案 | polished proposal
第二组:沃夫勒88 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
第三组:洪涝灾害 | team 3: Flood Disaster
美术设计稿 | visual design
第一组:鮟鱇鱼 | team 1: Monkfish
第二组:沃夫勒88 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
第三组:洪涝灾害 | team 3: Flood Disaster
中期汇报 | mid-term presentation
第二组:沃夫勒88 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
第三组:洪涝灾害 | team 3: Flood Disaster
成果汇报 | final presentation
第一组:《夜郎秘境》by 鮟鱇鱼 | team 1: Mysterious Yelang Empire by Monkfish
第二组:《依兰之歌》 by 沃夫勒88 | team 2: Song of YiLan by I yield, Daddy
第三组:《鄞州行渠》 by 洪涝灾害 | team 3: Water Conservancy in Ancient Ningbo by Flood Disaster
结课展览 | final exhibition
展览时间:2023年11月20日-26日 | exhibition duration: November 20-26, 2023
展览地点:同济设创二号楼一楼A区 | venue: exhibition hall A, 1st floor, TJDI building #2

学习任务 | Learning Tasks​

完成分组 | group forming
自由组合,形成3-5人的合作小组 | Form cooperative teams of 3-5 persons voluntarily.
寻找参考资料 | searching for references
每人寻找3个文旅行业中有参考价值的交互媒体作品,并于下次课上与同学们分享 |
Each student shall search for 3 valuable cases of the application of interactive media in the industry of the culture and tourism industry, and prepare to share with your classmates in the next lesson.
完成初步方案 | figure out preliminary proposals
根据同济设计院提供的项目介绍,每组需构思3个初步方案以供下次课上分享、讨论 |
Basing on the projects’ introduction by the TJAD, each team shall figure out 3 preliminary proposals so that they may be introduced and discussed in the next lesson.
完成设计方案 | finish the proposal
根据今天老师的反馈意见以及小组内部的讨论结果,最终确定一个方案,发展完善后于下次课上汇报 |
Basing on the teacher’s feedback and the discussion results from the teams, each shall decide on one proposal. It needs to be polished after class and will be presented in the next lesson.
The proposal shall include at least: title, genre, the process of creation (how the proposal was developed from the actual project), core gameplay mechanism (prove playability), story, art style, technologies and references (you may use different games as art and gameplay references).
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
尽快与同济设计院老师与茅溪专家再次进行在线会议,确定内容重点并完成最终方案 |
Organize an online meeting with TJDA and experts from Maoxi to confirm highlights of the game and make a decision on the proposal.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
1)确定具体收藏品及其逻辑关系;2)进一步推敲游戏机制,如倒计时等;3)绘制最终抗辩阶段的逻辑流程图 |
1) Design specific collectibles and the logic relationship among them. 2) Further develop gameplay mechanism, such as coutdown timer. 3) Draw a diagram that explain the logics of the final defense session.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
1)通过纸面游戏的方式测试并优化治水游戏可玩性;2)发展王安石在宁波的故事,使之成为5-6个小片段,剧情中可以包含一定变化 |
1) Test the playability of the water-control game using a simplified desktop version. 2) Develop the story of WangAnShi in Ningbo, and cut it into 5-6 smaller pieces, which may contain variations in each piece.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
根据与设计院及茅溪老师的交流对剧情进行调整,完成改进后的方案 |
Make story modifications basing on the communication with teachers from TJAD and Maoxi, and finish the final design proposal.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
解决第一阶段寻物的游戏性问题 |
Enhance the playability of the first object searching phase.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
尽快确定治水游戏具体玩法 |
Confirm how the water treatment game shall be played.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
完成尺度大约为四个满屏的场景设计,完善故事线与关卡要素,完成所有角色设计(故事中+游戏中),完成用于测试游戏性的原型 |
Create: a full-screen scene, story and level elements, all characters (story+in-game), a prototype to test game mechanism.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
完善故事,补全玩法及道具,完成Unity引擎中的风格测试用场景,完成第二阶段游戏程序 |
Polish the story, design all play mechanisms and props, finish a Unity scene for art style test, finish coding for the 2nd phase gaming experience.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
完成完整的第一关 |
Finish the first level.
国庆假日 | National Day holiday
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
重新设计角色头部及工人着装,重新设计开局剧情,考虑引导关如何确保玩家掌握机制,根据游戏设计规范重新搭建场景,确保建筑内部框架与现实建筑一致,在原型中测试游戏可玩性并进行迭代 |
Redesign character heads and the garment of laborers. Redesign the beginning plot. Make sure players learn what they need in the tutorial. Reconstruct the game level using standard game dev approach. Make sure frame structure of the interior is close to reality. Iterate the prototype.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
修改飞鸟和猛犸象游戏环节玩法,开始开发鱼群跑酷和原始人舞蹈游戏环节,开始开发片头和结尾新闻发布会游戏环节 |
Modify the mechanics of the flying bird and mammoth game phases, develop the fish runner and primitive man dancing game phases, develop the final press conference game phase.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
巩固C#知识,一周内完成课件中编程部分的学习,完成至少一关的美术设计 |
Learn C# using the tutorials in 1 week. Finish the art design job for at least one level.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
统一画风,完成房间尺度美术效果验证,尽快完成关卡重构,完成三种敌人的基本控制以便进行关卡设计 |
Unify visual style and test it in a room-size space. Reconstruct the level asap. Finish the controls for 3 types of enemies. 
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
在引擎内完成美术风格确认,完成片头及答辩部分设计方案 |
Confirm visual style in the engine. Finish the design of the beginning and ending parts.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
完成王安石及配角立绘(含表情),完成部分场景地块美术设计,尽快做出可以试运行的原型 |
Finish the paintings of Wang Anshi and other supporting characters (facial expression included). Finish painting some of the map tiles. Create a executable prototype ASAP.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
完成可玩的原型,准备19日中期汇报 |
Create a playable version that will be presented on October 19.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
中期汇报前整合资源,完成达到成品质量的测试关卡 |
Before mid-term presentation, integrate resources and produce a test level of final-production quality.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
中期汇报前完成原始人场景及玩法;完成发布会环节 |
Finish the primitive men level, finish the press conference level for mid-term presentation.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
目前美术部分效果欠佳,在中期汇报前第一关需改进完毕 |
Polish the visuals of Level 1 before mid-term presentation.
中期汇报 | mid-term presentation
会议时间 | time:2023/10/19 15:30-17:00
腾讯会议 | tencent meeting ID:926-629-978
会议密码 | password:244279
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
根据中期汇报时设计院老师的意见调整方案 |
Fine-tune game design according to the suggetions from the experts from TJAD.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
尽快整合分散内容形成完整关卡,片头动画、配音配乐同步进行 |
Integrate contents and create a complete level. Finish the begining animation, background music and SFX.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
微调桥段顺序,微调第二个游戏方案,改进视觉效果 |
Fine-tune the order of the plots, fine-tune the second gaming session and improve visual quality.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
根据反馈意见开发地块替换代码,完成动画、立绘、音乐、音效 |
Create scripts for land block switching, finish beginning animation, music and SFX.
展览方案设计 | exhibition booth design
10月31日前完成展览设计方案及预算 | Each team shall finish the exhibition booth design and make a budget before 31 October.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
尽快完成完整的关卡,并改善画面光影效果 |
Finish the complete level and improve the lighting and visual quality.
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
修改最后一关建筑空间,使之符合球幕影院特征 |
Modify the architecture of the last level, making it look like a dome theatre.
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
细化背景及地块视觉效果,解决双路径分数计算问题 |
Refine background and tiles. Make sure 2-path scores calculate correctly.
展览方案设计 | exhibition booth design
根据讨论结果修改设计方案 | Modify the exhibition design according to the discussion result.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
完成游戏的配音与配乐,准备好下周的最终检查 | Add Music and sound effects. Get ready for the final evalution next week.
展览方案设计 | exhibition booth design
10月31日前完成展览设计方案及预算 | Each team shall finish the exhibition booth design and make a budget before 31 October.
鮟鱇鱼组 | team 1: Monkfish
沃夫乐88组 | team 2: I yield, Daddy
洪涝灾害组 | team 3: Flood Disaster
测试并修正严重错误,确保游戏可以顺利运行 |
Test and fix serious bugs. Make sure the games may run successfully.
展览方案设计 | exhibition booth design
确定布展方案及展览印刷品设计稿 | Confirm the exhibition plan and the design of .
做好布展准备 | prepare for the exhibition
完成海报、壁纸、纪念品的打印,完成游戏软件安装,并准备好其它展览道具,在11月19日完成布展 |
Print out posters, wall paper, derivatives, install games, and prepare everything else for the exhibition. The exhibition stands shall be ready by 19 November.
做好展览开幕式准备 | prepare for the exhibition opening ceremony
准备好开幕式所需邀请函、主持稿以及茶歇,开幕式将于11月21日上午10点举行 |
Prepare the invitation letters, the host’s script and tea-break snacks for the opening ceremony, which will begin at 10:00 21 September.

课程成果 | Learning Outcomes

历年佳作 | Previous Works

作品展示链接 | Links to the works