本科生毕业设计 | Undergraduates' Graduation Design Projects

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

本科生毕业设计 | Undergraduates' Graduation Design Projects

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

基本信息 | Basic Information

课程性质 | Course Type: 专业必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID: 55003601 授课语言 | Language: 中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite: 数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev. 学分 | Credits: 16 课内学时 | Total Hours: 68
课程性质 | Course Type:专业必修 | Compulsory 课程编号 | Course ID:55003601
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese 先修要求 | Prerequisite:数字游戏设计与开发 | Game Design & Dev.
学分 | Credits:16 课内学时 | Total Hours:68
课程性质 | Course Type:专业必修 | Compulsory
课程编号 | Course ID:55003601
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese
学分 | Credits:16
课内学时 | Total Hours:68

课程简介 | Course Introduction​

Graduation design/thesis is the last major task for undergraduate students in Tongji University during their study, and it is a prerequisite for successful graduation and obtaining the bachelor’s degree. Each student should complete the graduation project and write the thesis independently under the guidance of a supervisor. Especially, for those who have been accepted to further their study as a gradueate student in Tongji University, he/she will lose the qualification of enrollment in case he/she fails to get a score higher than C in this phase.

▼ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

▲ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

● 应确保有足够的时间投入毕设,每周不少于40小时,持续不少于17周 |
A student shall ensure that he/she has enough time to devote to the graduation project. The minimal requirement is 40hr/week, 17 weeks.
● 应确保每周进行进度汇报至少一次 |
A student shall report his/her progress each week, once at least.
● 须根据导师及教务老师要求按时完成节点任务 |
A student shall finish milestone tasks given by the supervisor and administrative teachers on time.
● 严格遵循学术规范要求,自觉避免学术不端行为 |
Strictly follow the requirements of academic ethics. Avoid any immoral academic misbehavior.

参考资料 | Reference Materials​

选题方向 | optional topics
(1)09号世界——设计虚构与交互体验 | 9th World: design fiction and interactive experience
(2)快乐配方——以娱乐体验为目标的游戏设计 | In Pursuit of Joy: game design for entertainment
(3)心醉神迷——交互式音乐欣赏体验设计 | Total Immersion: interactive music experience design
特别注意:此选题方向并非最终论文标题,请根据自己实际的创作内容确定论文标题 |
Notice: These topics shall NOT be used as thesis titles. You MUST give your thesis another tilte according to your design project.
选题说明文档 | document for topic explanation
毕业论文撰写学术道德要求 | academic ethics requirements for thesis writing
时间/任务表 | table of time and tasks
时间 | time 任务 | Tasks
02/26 - 03/02
导师下达任务书 | The supervisor issues mission statements.
03/05 - 03/20
学生填写开题报告 | The students submit thesis proposals.
03/05 - 04/15
导师可修改论文课题 | The supervisor may change thesis titles.
04/01 - 04/10
学生提交中期检查,导师审核 | The students submit mid-term evaluation materials to be approved by the supervisor.
04/15 - 04/20
学校中期检查 | The university conducts mid-term evaluation.
05/15 - 05/31
导师及其他老师评阅论文 | The supervisor and other teachers review the theses.
05/20 - 06/14
论文查重 | Theses undergo duplicate checking.
各学院答辩结束时间 | Deadline for the thesis defense of all the colleges.
中期检查相关材料 | materials for mid-term evaluation

节点任务 | Milestone Tasks

题目与任务书 | title and mission statement
确定论文题目,完成任务书 | Confirm the title of the thesis and finish the mission statements.
开题报告 | thesis proposal
完成开题报告并在参加例会时携带 | Complete the thesis proposal and bring it to the regular meeting.
中期检查 | mid-term evaluation
按照要求准时参加中期检查 | Attend the mid-term evaluation according to the announcement.
毕展布展 | graduation show
准备好毕业展览 | Get your graduation show ready.
预答辩 | pre-thesis-defense
准备好PPT参加论文预答辩 | Attend the pre-thesis-defense with your PPT slides.
正式答辩 | thesis defense
参加论文预答辩 | Attend the thesis defense.
毕展撤展 | take down the graduation show
完成撤展,归还设备 | Take down the graduation how and return the equipment borrowed.
提交线上展材料 | submit material for online exhibition
按照要求提交线上展所需视频及图文资料 |
Submit videos and text/images for the online exhibition according to the requirements.

历年佳作 | Previous Works​

作品展示链接 | Links to the works