大学计算机:AE快客 | Computer Techniques: A Concise Course On After Effects
(2024版 | Edition 2024)
大学计算机:AE快客 | Computer Techniques: A Concise Course On After Effects
(2024版 | Edition 2024)
基本信息 | Basic Information
课程性质 | Course Type: | 必修 | Compulsory | 课程编号 | Course ID: | 50002920005 | 授课语言 | Language: | 中文 | Chinese |
先修要求 | Prerequisite: | 无 | None | 学分 | Credits: | 2 | 课内学时 | Total Hours: | 8/34 |
课程性质 | Course Type:必修 | Compulsory | 课程编号 | Course ID:50002920005 |
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese | 先修要求 | Prerequisite:无 | None |
学分 | Credits:2 | 课内学时 | Total Hours:8/34 |
课程性质 | Course Type:必修 | Compulsory
课程编号 | Course ID:50002920005
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite:无 | None
学分 | Credits:2
课内学时 | Total Hours:8/34
课程简介 | Course Introduction
本课程节段是“大学计算”课程的一部分,主要目的在于向大一年级的新同学介绍After Effects这款主流视频软件,并帮助他们掌握其基本用法。
This session is a part of the course “Computer Techniques”. It aims to introduce to junior students After Effects, a piece of mainstream video editing software and help them to understand how to use it on a fundamental level.
学习评价 | Learning Evaluation
This session is creation-oriented. Students are expected to submit short films created according to the topic given by the teacher.
课程内容 | Course Content
学习资料 | Learning Materials
1 简介 | Introduction
课件中的图片/影片高清版 | high-res images/videos from the lecture slides
考查要求 | Exam Requirement
● 使用AE制作10~30秒有声视频 | Create a 10~30-second-long video (with sound) using After Effects.
● 主题:新生 | The theme of this short film is: XIN SHENG
● MG动画或特效动画均可,无特定技术要求 | Either an MG animation or a VFX film is OK. No limit on techniques.
● 可使用第三方素材,但必须说明出处 | No limit on material, but you must acknowledge 3rd party content.
● 分辨率与帧速率 | Resolution & framerate: 1920×1080 @ 25 fps
● 文件格式与压缩格式 | file & compression format .mp4 / h.264
● 最终请以“学号_姓名.rar”压缩包提交作业(或.zip、.7z),其中包含 | You shall upload a StudentID_Name.rar or .zip, .7z file containing:
– 工程文件夹 | The project folder: File Dependencies > Collect Files
– 最终输出的视频 | The output video file.
时间节点 | Milestones
● 提交作业截止时间:11月30日晚上24:00 | Deadline for submission: 24:00, Nov. 30
扩展课程:如何学习一款软件 | extensive lessons: how to learn a piece of software
2 使用AE创作MG动画 | Use After Effects to create MG animation
练习素材 | exercise material
动画运动规律简明教程 | a concise tutorial on the principles of motion for animation
挑战任务目标 | target of the challenge
扩展课程:音乐音效 | extensive lessons: music and sound
扩展课程:角色动画 | extensive lessons: character animation
扩展课程:使用C4D与AE创作MG动画 | extensive lessons: MG Animation with C4D & AE
练习素材 | exercise material
教学视频1:入门 | video tutorial 1: basic introduction
教学视频2:赋予材质 | video tutorial 2: material assignment
教学视频3:布光并测试渲染 | video tutorial 3: lighting & test rendering
教学视频4:墙体动画 | video tutorial 4: animating walls
教学视频5:墙体动画 | video tutorial 5: animating furniture
教学视频6:渲染与合成 | video tutorial 6: rendering & compositing
3 使用AE创作视觉特效 | Use After Effects to create VFX effects
练习素材 | exercise material
练习素材 | exercise material
练习素材 | exercise material
线上学习资源推荐 | recommended online learning resourses
扩展课程:动态角色校色 | extensive lessons: color correction for a moving character
练习素材 | exercise material
教学视频 | video tutorial
扩展课程:移除画面内容 | extensive lessons: content removal
练习素材 | exercise material
教学视频 | video tutorial
扩展课程:三维跟踪 | extensive lessons: 3D tracking
练习素材 | exercise material
教学视频1 | video tutorial 1
教学视频2 | video tutorial 2
学习任务 | Learning Tasks
9月28日(第三周) | Sep. 28 (Week 3)
复习与创作前期 | review and creation preparation
复习课程并构思创作内容 | Review the lesson and think about the creation.
11月9日(第九周) | Nov. 16 (Week 9)
课后学习任务 | after-class learning tasks
复习课程、完成练习,并尝试学习与运用动画运动规律 |
Review the lesson, finish the exercises and try to learn and use the principles of motion for animation.
11月16日(第十周) | Nov. 16 (Week 10)
课后学习任务 | after-class learning tasks
复习课程、完成练习,并在11月30日前提交课程作业 |
Review the lesson, finish the exercises and submit your homework before 30 November.