三维设计与表现 | 3D Design and Visualization​

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

3D Design and Visualization​

(2024版 | Edition 2024)

基本信息 | Basic Information

课程性质 | Course Type: 专业选修 | Elective 课程编号 | Course ID: 55013201 授课语言 | Language: 中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite: 无 | None 学分 | Credits: 2 课内学时 | Total Hours: 34
课程性质 | Course Type:专业选修 | Elective 课程编号 | Course ID:55013201
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese 先修要求 | Prerequisite:无 | None
学分 | Credits:2 课内学时 | Total Hours:34
课程性质 | Course Type:专业选修 | Elective
课程编号 | Course ID:55013201
授课语言 | Language:中文 | Chinese
先修要求 | Prerequisite:无 | None
学分 | Credits:2
课内学时 | Total Hours:34

课程简介 | Course Introduction​

Today, 3D software has become an important foundation in the field of art and design and has been used extensively. 3D Design and Visualization and 3D Animation, a course in the next semester form a complete series, but in this course students are only expected to master how to create artwork in the form of still images. The content of this course mainly includes the core concepts and basic knowledge of 3D modelling, UV unwrapping, texture painting, material design, lighting, rendering and etc. This course is suitable for students from different majors and directions.

▼ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

▲ 学习要求 | Learning Requirements

● 课堂学习与课外自学充分结合 | Classroom learning and out-of-class self-learning are both needed.
● 理论与实践并重 | Put emphasis on both theory and practice.
● 创作与专业方向紧密关联 | Relate your creation closely to your own learning direction.
● 允许选用不同的软件 | The choice of software that is not covered in this course is permitted.
● 想“混”个学分的同学请退选 | Quit this course if credits are all you need.

学习评价 | Learning Evaluation​

With the main purpose of mastering 3D technology, this course requires each student to use a real-life scenery, object or AIGC images as references, and independently create an artistic still image by going through a complete 3D creation process including modeling, material design and etc. At the end of the semester, besides a main rendering, each student also need to include 2~3 additional renderings from angles different from the main one, the project files (along with history versions) and the photos or images he/she used as references.

▼ 成绩构成 | How the score is given

▲ 成绩构成 | How the score is given

● 出勤记录 | attendance: 20%
-每次缺勤扣3分,扣完为止 | each absence results in -3 marks
● 平时成绩 | usual performance: 20%
-根据要求提交阶段性成果 | submit your milestone outcome
4 8 12 16 20
每次阶段性成果均晚交、漏交,或质量粗劣 | Each milestone is late, missing or has poor quality. 阶段性成果均晚交、漏交、低质量情况出现1次以上 | More than one milestones are late, missing or have poor quality. 仅1次出现阶段性成果晚交、漏交或品质不达标 | Only one milestone is late, missing or has poor quality. 每次均按时提交阶段性成果,但格式不符合要求或质量存在较大进步空间 | Each milestone is handed-in on time, but needs correct format or improvment in quality. 每次均按时按要求提交阶段性成果,且质量优秀 | Each milestone is handed-in on time and has high-quality.
● 期末作业 | final project: 60%
-创造性与整体效果 | creativity and overall effect: 20%
4 8 12 16 20
完全抄袭他人作品,或整体设计品质粗劣 | The final result is a total copy or has inferior quality. 整体存在较明显模仿痕迹,或设计方案缺乏艺术性 | There are obvious traces of imitation or the design lacks artistry. 局部存在较明显模仿痕迹,或整体设计方案存在较明显不足 | Portions in the image show signs of obvious imitation, or the whole design has obvious flaws. 局部易令人联想到他人作品,创造性仍待提升,但设计方案基本令人满意 | Partially resemblance of other people’s work. The design needs more creativity but is basically satisfactory. 作品原创性高,体现出丰富的想象力与艺术性 | The work is highly original and reflects rich imagination and artistry.
-模型、UV与材质贴图 | modeling, UV unwrapping, materials and textures: 25%
5 10 15 20 25
模型过于简单,或未整理UV、未绘制贴图 | The model is too simple, or UV unwrapping is not accomplished, or no texture is creeated. 模型简单,必要UV整理或贴图绘制工作缺失 | The model is simple, and it lacks necessary UV unwrapping or texture painting. 建模、整理UV、绘制贴图均完成,但存在明显技术缺陷 | Modeling, UV unwrapping and texture painting tasks are accomplished, but there are obvious deficiencies. 建模、整理UV、绘制贴图均完成,无明显问题但艺术性上仍有较大改进空间 | Modeling, UV unwrapping and texture painting tasks are accomplished with out obvious flaws, but it lacks artistry. 模型精致且具有一定复杂度,UV整理得当,贴图精美完备 | The model is elegant and reasonably complex. UV unwrapping is done correctly. Textures are fine and sufficient.
-布光与渲染 | lighting and rendering: 15%
3 6 9 12 15
仅使用默认灯光,或以界面截图作为渲染结果 | The project only uses default lighting, or only screen captures are handed in. 完成简单布光,并通过渲染器得到最终画面,但整体效果粗劣 | The project is simply lit up. The final result is obtained with a renderer, but is inferior in quality. 能体现出作者对于布光的基本理解,画面构图光影效果尚可 | The final result reflects the author’s basic understanding of lighting. The composition and lighting are not bad. 能体现出作者对于光影及渲染效果的推敲,最终画面效果达到网络番剧水平 | The final result shows the author’s sophisticated understanding of lighting and rendering, and is close to the quality of online animation episodes. 光影效果丰富、构图思虑周全、画面艺术性强,最终画面效果接近影视级 | The final result is rich in light and shadow, carefully crafted composition, and strong artistry. It is close to the quality of movies.
● 知识分享 | bonus for knowledge sharing: ≤10%
-主题自选,但需与课程相关 | You may propose topics of knowledge sharing seminar, but it must be related to the course.
-每次分享总加分不超过7分(1人)或10分(多人) | Total bonus points each time amount up to 7 (single speaker) or 10 (multiple speakers).

▼ 期末作业 | Requirements on the Final Project

▲ 期末作业 | Requirements on the Final Project

● 专业相关性要求 | Learning direction relevance requirement:
环境设计方向:真实或想象的场景 | Environmental Design: A real or imagined scenario.
工业设计方向:真实或想象的产品 | Environmental Design: A real or imagined product.
媒体传达方向:需含原创角色 | Media & Comm. Design:Must include an original character.
● 需提交参考图:若使用纸面或电子手绘稿作为参考,请提供原始稿/分层文件;若使用照片作为参考,请提交至少5张不同角度的照片;若使用AI生成图作为参考,请提供提示词及其下载链接 | You need to submit reference images: if you use hand-drawn or digital drawings, provide the original version or a layered image; if you use photos, provide at least 5 taken from different angles; if you use AI-generated images, provide the prompts and their download links.
● 自行设定难度目标(满分:高难度=100,中等难度=90,低难度=80)| You may choose a difficulty level by yourself. (full score: high difficulty=100, medium=90, low=80)
● 不允许使用网上直接下载的现成图片作为参考 | It is not allowed to use images downloaded from the Internet as references.
● 主体以外的背景、配饰等可采用第三方模型,但必须在文本文件中说明哪些内容来自第三方 | You may use third-party models for minor elements with a statement of their usage.
● 若你同时选择了数字雕刻课程,不可用使用其成果作为本课程期末作业 | If you have also taken the Digital Sculpting course, you may not use the outcome of that course as the final assignment for this course.

▼ 提交要求 | Submission Regulations

▲ 提交要求 | Submission Regulations

● 参考图 | Reference images
● 说明文本:含作品名称及100字以内作品简介 | A text file that includes the title of your work and a description of less than 100 characters.
● 至少三张.jpg渲染稿,其中一张为主渲染图,渲染精度不低于2K(2560×1440/1440×2560)| At least three .jpg renderings, including a main one. The minimal resolution is 2K.
● 工程文件(包含贴图)| The project files including textures.
● 主要工程文件的10个进度均匀的历史版本 | The main project file shall come with 10 milestone versions evenly distributed in history.

课程内容 | Course Content ​

  • 1 A Brief Intro to Popular 3D Software
    • 1.1 All-in-one Package for 3D Content Creation
    • 1.2 Auxiliary 3D Creation Tools
    • 1.3 Plugins / Add-ons
  • 2 Course Content and Evaluation Criteria
    • 2.1 Course Content
    • 2.2 Evaluation Criteria
  • 3 Artificial Intelligence Generated Content
    • 3.1 An oveview of AIGC  video
    • 3.2 Introduction to Midjourney  video
  • 4 Mainstream Approaches for 3D Modeling
    • 4.1 Primitives  video
    • 4.2 NURBS  video
    • 4.3 Polygon / Subdivision Modeling  video
    • 4.4 Digital Sculpting  video
    • 4.5 Procedural Modeling  video
    • 4.6 Boolean Operations  video
    • 4.7 3D Scanning  video
    • 4.8 Retopology  video
    • 4.9 Physical Simulation  video
    • 4.10 Metaball  video
    • 4.11 Kit Bashing  video
    • 4.12 AI 3D Modeling
    • 4.13 Comparison
  • 5 Basic Knowledge and Operations of Blender
    • 5.1 Graphic User Interface  video
    • 5.2 Navigation and Viewport Control  video
    • 5.3 Set Viewport Display  video
    • 5.4 Basic Object Manipulation  video
    • 5.5 Duplicate, Align and Mirror  video
    • 5.6 Outliner and Collections  video
    • 5.7 Files, Assets and Data System  video
  • 6 Basic Modeling
    • 6.1 Primitives  video
    • 6.2 Boolean Operations  video
    • 6.3 3D Text  video
    • 6.4 Mesh Objects and Normals  video
    • 6.5 Editing Normals  video
    • 6.6 Origins and Coordinate Systems  video
    • 6.7 Editing Origins and Choosing Coordinate Systems  video1  video2
  • 7 Polygon Modeling
    • 7.1 Introduction to Polygon Modeling  video
    • 7.2 Curves and Polygon Modeling Exercise: a Tray and Utensils  video1  video2  video3  video4
    • 7.3 Snap Functions  video1  video2
    • 7.4 Curves and Polygon Modeling Exercise: a Chess Piece
  • 8 Subdivision Modeling
    • 8.1 Introduction to Subdivision Modeling
    • 8.2 Subdivision Modeling Exercise: a Chess Piece  video1  video2  video3
    • 8.3 Suggestions on Subdivision Modeling
  • 9 Geometry Nodes and Procedural Modeling
    • 9.1 A Brief Introduction to Geometry Nodes
    • 9.2 Getting Started with Geometry Nodes
    • 9.3 Procedural Modeling Exercise: Restaurant
  • 10 The Illusion of Dimension in 3D
  • 11 UV Concepts and UV Unwrapping Tools
  • 12 RizomUV, a Powerful Tool for UV Unwrapping
    • 12.1 A Brief Introduction to RizomUV  video1  video2
    • 12.2 Selection Tools  video
    • 12.3 Cutting and Welding  video
    • 12.4 Unfolding and Optimization  video
    • 12.5 Layout and Packing  video
    • 12.6 Miscellanies  video
    • 12.7 RizomUV Exercise: Head Model
    • 12.8 RizomUV Exercise: Robot Model
  • 13 Adobe Substance 3D Suite
  • 14 Adobe Substance Sampler
    • 14.1 An Introduction to Adobe Substance Sampler  video1  video2
    • 14.2 Substance Sampler Exercise: Material Export  video
    • 14.3 Substance Sampler Exercise: Creating a Material from a Photo  video1  video2
    • 14.4 Substance Sampler Exercise: Editing and Blending Materials  video
    • 14.5 Substance Sampler Exercise: Editing HDR Environment Maps  video1  video2
  • 15 Adobe Substance Painter
  • 16 Fundamentals of Rendering in Blender
    • 16.1 Editing Materials in Blender
    • 16.2 Rendering in Blender
    • 16.3 Trying EEVEE for the First Time
    • 16.4 Trying Cycles for the First Time
  • 17 Creating Believable Renderings
    • 17.1 Correct Dimensions  video
    • 17.2 Beveled Edges  video
    • 17.3 Irregularity and Imperfection  video
    • 17.4 Imperfect Lens  video
    • 17.5 Aging  video
    • 17.6 Variance of Lighting  video
    • 17.7 Out-of-frame Light Sources  video
    • 17.8 Global Illumination  video
    • 17.9 Sub-surface Scattering  video
    • 17.10 Caustics  video
    • 17.11 Correct DOF  video
    • 17.12 Environment  video
    • 17.13 Fog and Atmosphere Perspective  video
    • 17.14 Hide the Horizon  video
    • 17.15 Volume Effect and Particle Effect  video
    • 17.16 Post-processing  video
    • 17.17 Other Tips  video
  • 18 Materials and Lights
    • 18.1 Common Material Types and Important Parameters
    • 18.2 Common Light Types and Important Parameters
  • 19 Important Rendering Concepts and Application
    • 19.1 Raytracing
    • 19.2 Global Illumination
    • 19.3 Anti-aliasing and DeNoising
    • 19.4 Caustics
    • 19.5 Sub-surface Scattering
    • 19.6 Displacement
    • 19.7 Rounded Edges
    • 19.8 Depth of Field
    • 19.9 Bloom and Vignette
    • 19.10 Lens Distortion
    • 19.11 Motion Blur
    • 19.12 Volumetric Effect
    • 19.13 Volume Rendering
    • 19.14 Render Passes
    • 19.15 Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  • 20 Representation of Common Materials
    • 20.1 Material Expression Example: Rock and Wood
    • 20.2 Material Expression Example: Metal
    • 20.3 Material Expression Example: Glass and Liquid
    • 20.4 Material Expression Example: Plastic
    • 20.5 Material Expression Example: Wax
  • 1 主流三维软件简介
    • 1.1 一体式三维创作软件包
    • 1.2 辅助型三维创作工具
    • 1.3 插件
  • 2 课程内容与评价标准
    • 2.1 课程内容
    • 2.2 评价标准
  • 3 人工智能内容生成
  • 4 主要建模方式
  • 5 Blender基础知识与操作
    • 5.1 图形用户界面
    • 5.2 三维导航与视图操作
    • 5.3 设置视图显示
    • 5.4 基本物体操作
    • 5.5 复制、对齐、镜像
    • 5.6 大纲视图与集合
    • 5.7 文件、资产与数据
  • 6 基础建模
    • 6.1 基本几何体
    • 6.2 布尔运算
    • 6.3 三维文本
    • 6.4 网格物体与法线
    • 6.5 编辑法线
    • 6.6 原点与坐标系
    • 6.7 编辑原点与选择坐标系
  • 7 多边形建模
    • 7.1 多边形建模引言
    • 7.2 曲线与多边形建模练习:托盘与器物
    • 7.3 捕捉功能
    • 7.4 曲线与多边形建模练习:国际象棋棋子
  • 8 细分多边形建模
    • 8.1 细分多边形建模引言
    • 8.2 细分多边形建模练习:国际象棋棋子
    • 8.3 关于细分多边形建模的建议
  • 9 几何节点与程序化建模
    • 9.1 几何节点简介
    • 9.2 几何节点入门
    • 9.3 程序化建模练习:餐厅
  • 10 三维艺术中的尺度幻觉
    • 10.1 问题由来
    • 10.2 距离线索
    • 10.3 其它影响尺度判断的因素
    • 10.4 总结
  • 11 UV概念及UV整理工具
    • 11.1 UV基本概念
    • 11.2 常见UV整理范式
    • 11.3 Blender中的UV整理工具
    • 11.4 UV整理练习:房间一角
    • 11.5 总结
  • 12 强大的UV整理工具RizomUV
    • 12.1 RizomUV简介
    • 12.2 选择工具
    • 12.3 切割与缝合
    • 12.4 展平与优化
    • 12.5 拼版
    • 12.6 其它
    • 12.7 RizomUV练习:头像模型
    • 12.8 RizomUV练习:机器人模型
  • 13 Adobe Substance 3D套件
    • 13.1 Adobe系列三维工具简介
  • 14 Adobe Substance Sampler
    • 14.1 Adobe Substance Sampler简介
    • 14.2 Substance Sampler练习:材质输出
    • 14.3 Substance Sampler练习:从照片创建材质
    • 14.4 Substance Sampler练习:材质编辑与混合
    • 14.5 Substance Sampler练习:编辑HDR环境贴图
  • 15 Adobe Substance Painter
    • 15.1 Adobe Substance Painter简介
    • 15.2 Substance Painter练习:创建项目
    • 15.3 熟悉图层与笔刷
    • 15.4 Substance Painter练习:基础绘制
    • 15.5 烘焙与智慧材质
    • 15.6 Substance Painter练习:智慧材质
    • 15.7 重拓扑
    • 15.8 Blender重拓扑练习:机械胸像
    • 15.9 更多Substance Painter功能
    • 15.10 Substance Painter练习:绘制机械胸像材质
    • 15.11 Substance Painter练习:头像绘制
    • 15.12 自学任务
  • 16 Blender渲染入门
    • 16.1 在Blender中编辑材质
    • 16.2 在Blender中进行渲染
    • 16.3 初试EEVEE渲染器
    • 16.4 初试Cycles渲染器
  • 17 创造逼真的渲染画面
    • 17.1 正确的尺寸
    • 17.2 边缘倒角
    • 17.3 不规则与不完美
    • 17.4 不完美的镜头
    • 17.5 做旧
    • 17.6 照明变化
    • 17.7 镜头外光源
    • 17.8 全局照明
    • 17.9 次表面散射
    • 17.10 焦散
    • 17.11 正确使用景深
    • 17.12 环境
    • 17.13 雾效与大气透视
    • 17.14 隐藏地平线
    • 17.15 体积效果与粒子效果
    • 17.16 后处理
    • 17.17 其它建议
  • 18 材质与灯光
    • 18.1 常用材质类型与主要参数
    • 18.2 常用灯光类型与主要参数
  • 19 重要渲染概念及应用
    • 19.1 光线跟踪
    • 19.2 全局光
    • 19.3 抗锯齿与降噪
    • 19.4 焦散
    • 19.5 次表面散射
    • 19.6 置换
    • 19.7 圆角
    • 19.8 景深
    • 19.9 辉光与暗角
    • 19.10 镜头畸变
    • 19.11 运动模糊
    • 19.12 体积效果
    • 19.13 体积渲染
    • 19.14 渲染通道
    • 19.15 非写实渲染
  • 20 常见材质表现
    • 20.1 材质表现范例:石与木
    • 20.2 材质表现范例:金属
    • 20.3 材质表现范例:玻璃与液体
    • 20.4 材质表现范例:塑料
    • 20.5 材质表现范例:蜡烛
  • 1 A Brief Intro to Popular 3D Software
    • 1.1 All-in-one Package for 3D Content Creation
    • 1.2 Auxiliary 3D Creation Tools
    • 1.3 Plugins / Add-ons
  • 2 Course Content and Evaluation Criteria
    • 2.1 Course Content
    • 2.2 Evaluation Criteria
  • 3 AIGC
    • 3.1 An oveview of AIGC  video
    • 3.2 Introduction to Midjourney  video
  • 4 Mainstream Approaches for 3D Modeling
    • 4.1 Primitives  video
    • 4.2 NURBS  video
    • 4.3 Polygon / Subdivision Modeling  video
    • 4.4 Digital Sculpting  video
    • 4.5 Procedural Modeling  video
    • 4.6 Boolean Operations  video
    • 4.7 3D Scanning  video
    • 4.8 Retopology  video
    • 4.9 Physical Simulation  video
    • 4.10 Metaball  video
    • 4.11 Kit Bashing  video
    • 4.12 AI 3D Modeling
    • 4.13 Comparison
  • 5 Basic Knowledge and Operations of Blender
    • 5.1 Graphic User Interface
    • 5.2 Navigation and Viewport Control
    • 5.3 Set Viewport Display
    • 5.4 Basic Object Manipulation
    • 5.5 Duplicate, Align and Mirror
    • 5.6 Outliner and Collections
    • 5.7 Files, Assets and Data System
  • 6 Basic Modeling
    • 6.1 Primitives
    • 6.2 Boolean Operations算
    • 6.3 3D Text
    • 6.4 Mesh Objects and Normals
    • 6.5 Editing Normals
    • 6.6 Origins and Coordinate Systems
    • 6.7 Editing Origins and Choosing Coordinate Systems
  • 7 Polygon Modeling
    • 7.1 Introduction to Polygon Modeling
    • 7.2 Curves and Polygon Modeling Exercise: a Tray and Utensils
    • 7.3 Snap Functions
    • 7.4 Curves and Polygon Modeling Exercise: a Chess Piece
  • 8 Subdivision Modeling
    • 8.1 Introduction to Subdivision Modeling
    • 8.2 Subdivision Modeling Exercise: a Chess Piece
    • 8.3 Suggestions on Subdivision Modeling
  • 9 Geometry Nodes and Procedural Modeling
    • 9.1 A Brief Introduction to Geometry Nodes
    • 9.2 Getting Started with Geometry Nodes
    • 9.3 Procedural Modeling Exercise: Restaurant
  • 10 The Illusion of Dimension in 3D
    • 10.1 Source of the Problem
    • 10.2 Distance Cues
    • 10.3 Other Factors for Dimension Perception
    • 10.4 Final Words
  • 11 UV Concepts and UV Unwrapping Tools
    • 11.1 Basic UV Concepts
    • 11.2 Common UV Unwrapping Paradigms
    • 11.3 UV Unwrapping Tools in Blender
    • 11.4 UV Unwrapping Exercise: A Corner of a Room
    • 11.5 Final Words
  • 12 RizomUV, a Powerful Tool for UV Unwrapping
    • 12.1 A Brief Introduction to RizomUV
    • 12.2 Selection Tools
    • 12.3 Cutting and Welding
    • 12.4 Unfolding and Optimization
    • 12.5 Layout and Packing
    • 12.6 Miscellanies
    • 12.7 RizomUV Exercise: Head Model
    • 12.8 RizomUV Exercise: Robot Model
  • 13 Adobe Substance 3D Suite
    • 13.1 Introduction to the Adobe 3D Tools
  • 14 Adobe Substance Sampler
    • 14.1 An Introduction to Adobe Substance Sampler
    • 14.2 Substance Sampler Exercise: Material Export
    • 14.3 Substance Sampler Exercise: Creating a Material from a Photo
    • 14.4 Substance Sampler Exercise: Editing and Blending Materials
    • 14.5 Substance Sampler Exercise: Editing HDR Environment Maps
  • 15 Adobe Substance Painter
    • 15.1 An Introduction to Adobe Substance Painter
    • 15.2 Substance Painter Exercise: Creating a Project
    • 15.3 Get Familiar with Layers and Paint Brushes
    • 15.4 Substance Painter Exercise: Basic Painting
    • 15.5 Mesh Baker and Smart Materials
    • 15.6 Substance Painter Exercise: Smart Materials
    • 15.7 Retopology
    • 15.8 Blender Retopology Exercise: Robot Bust
    • 15.9 More Substance Painter Functions
    • 15.10 Substance Painter Exercise: Painting a Robot Bust
    • 15.11 Substance Painter Exercise: Painting a Human Head
    • 15.12 Self-learning Tasks
  • 16 Fundamentals of Rendering in Blender
    • 16.1 Editing Materials in Blender
    • 16.2 Rendering in Blender
    • 16.3 Trying EEVEE for the First Time
    • 16.4 Trying Cycles for the First Time
  • 17 Creating Believable Renderings
    • 17.1 Correct Dimensions
    • 17.2 Beveled Edges
    • 17.3 Irregularity and Imperfection
    • 17.4 Imperfect Lens
    • 17.5 Aging
    • 17.6 Variance of Lighting
    • 17.7 Out-of-frame Light Sources
    • 17.8 Global Illumination
    • 17.9 Sub-surface Scattering
    • 17.10 Caustics
    • 17.11 Correct DOF
    • 17.12 Environment
    • 17.13 Fog and Atmosphere Perspective
    • 17.14 Hide the Horizon
    • 17.15 Volume Effect and Particle Effect
    • 17.16 Post-processing
    • 17.17 Other Tips
  • 18 Materials and Lights
    • 18.1 Common Material Types and Important Parameters
    • 18.2 Common Light Types and Important Parameters
  • 19 Important Rendering Concepts and Application
    • 19.1 Raytracing
    • 19.2 Global Illumination
    • 19.3 Anti-aliasing and DeNoising
    • 19.4 Caustics
    • 19.5 Sub-surface Scattering
    • 19.6 Displacement
    • 19.7 Rounded Edges
    • 19.8 Depth of Field
    • 19.9 Bloom and Vignette
    • 19.10 Lens Distortion
    • 19.11 Motion Blur
    • 19.12 Volumetric Effect
    • 19.13 Volume Rendering
    • 19.14 Render Passes
    • 19.15 Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  • 20 Representation of Common Materials
    • 20.1 Material Expression Example: Rock and Wood
    • 20.2 Material Expression Example: Metal
    • 20.3 Material Expression Example: Glass and Liquid
    • 20.4 Material Expression Example: Plastic
    • 20.5 Material Expression Example: Wax

学习资料 | Learning Materials​

课件中的图片/影片高清版 | high-res images/videos from the lecture slides
见上文 | see above
课件中的图片高清版 | high-res images from the lecture slides
在线教程 | Online Course
工业设计领域AIGC佳作参考 | Industrial design AIGC references
环境设计领域AIGC佳作参考 | Environmental design AIGC references
数字媒体领域AIGC佳作参考 | Digital media AIGC references
AIGC原理参考 | Working principles of AIGC
更多AIGC教程 | More AIGC Tutorials
课件中的图片/影片高清版 | high-res images/videos from the lecture slides
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
图片 | Images

影片 | Videos
三维建模方式比较 | A comparison of vaious 3D modeling approaches
方式 | Method 使用条件 | Condition 优点 | Advantages 缺点 | Disadvantages 常见用途 | Usage
基本体 | Primitives
大部分完整三维软件 | most 3D software
方便;可调初始参数 | convenient, can change initial para.
简单;选择有限 | simple and limited options
建模基础;测试 | use as modeling bases or for testing
大部分三维软件及专用工具(如Rhino) | most 3D software packages and dedicated tools (e.g. Rhino)
精确;连续度;修改时形态稳定;适于生产 | precise, continuity, stable on modification, factory-friendly
拓扑结构难以处理;转为多边形效果不佳 | difficult to handle topology and bad triangulation result
工业品;参数化建筑 | industrial products and parametric architecture
多边形建模 | Polygon Modeling
大部分三维软件 | most 3D software packages
灵活;高效 | flexible and highly efficient
不适合制作复杂物体 | not suitable for complex objects
建筑、低多边形物体及其它简单对象 | architecture, low-poly objects and other simple objects
多边形建模(细分) | Polygon Modeling (SubD)
大部分三维软件 | most 3D software packages
灵活 | flexible
对拓扑有要求;需平滑需加细分;形不稳定;无法处理小细节 | requires good topo, need high subD level for smoothness, unstable shape, not good for micro details
复杂工业品、角色 | complex products and characters
数字雕刻 | Digital Sculpting
大部分完整三维软件及专用工具(如Rhino) | most 3D software packages and dedicated tools (e.g. Rhino)
直觉;高效;细节丰富 | intuitive, efficient and good for rich details
雕刻结果面数多 | too many resulting faces
电影、动画、游戏等需要精致模型的场合及工业设计 | films, animation and games that need exquisite models, and industrial design.
程序化建模 | Procedural Modeling
Houdini, blender
批量化生成变体 | easy variations generation
难学;难设置 | hard to learn and setup
复杂且符合规律的形态 | complex regulated shapes
布尔运算 | Boolean Operations
大部分完整三维软件 | most 3D software packages
便于使用 | easy to use
生成结果拓扑结构不理想 | bad resulting topology
简单形或最后修饰 | simple shape or final touch
三维扫描 | 3D Scan
实物;选购三维扫描仪或软件 | physical objects and 3D scanner (hardware or software)
精准;高效 | precise and efficient
面数多;漏缺面 | massive face count & missing faces
建筑、工业品、场景、角色等 | buildings, products, scenes, characters and more
重拓扑 | Retopology
大部分完整三维软件;原始模型 | most 3D software packages and the original models
无需思考高效成形 | fast modeling with little thinking
枯燥费时(手工)| boring and time-consuming (manual)
减面;贴图烘焙准备 | face reduction & pre-bake step.
物理模拟 | Physical Simulation
大部分完整三维软件 | most 3D software packages
高效;形态逼真 | efficient and realistic
设置难;修改速度慢 | difficult to setup and slow to modify
大量刚体场景;织物、毛发、流体 | scenes with many rigid bodies, fabric, hair and fur and liquid
变形球 | Metaball
部分三维软件 | some 3D software packages
简便易用 | easy to use
形态可控性差 | little control over the resulting shapes
粗模;半流体 | course shape and semifluid
元件拼装 | Kit Bashing
大部分完整三维软件及预制件库 | most 3D software packages and premade models
快捷;易出效果 | fast and easy to achieve good results
必须先制作或购买高品质素材 | must first make or purchase high-quality materials
快速搭建场景、机械等 | fast construction of scenes, machines and etc.
ContentAI 3D建模 | AI 3D Modeling
目前多为网站服务 | mainly provided as web service today
快捷;零学习成本 | fast and no learning needed
质量低;可控性低 | low-quality, low controllability
次要模型或基础模型 | secondary or basic models
三维导航与视图操作练习文件 | Exercise file for 3D navigation and viewport operation
布尔运算练习文件 | Exercise files for boolean operations
Blender中的三维文本 | 3D Text in Blender
法线编辑练习文件 | Exercise files for normal editing
法线相关学习资料 | Learning materials for normals
教学视频 | video tutorials
法线基本概念 | basic concepts of normals
选择着色方式 | choose shading modes
法线编辑菜单命令 | menu commands for normal editing
Normal Edit编辑器 | Normal Edit modifier
Weighted Normal编辑器 | Weighted Normal modifier
Edge Split编辑器 | Edge Split modifier
曲线与多边形建模练习文件 | exercise file for curves and polygon modeling
捕捉功能练习文件 | exercise file for snapping functions
国际象棋棋子建模练习文件 | exercise file for chess piece modelling
高模国际象棋棋子建模练习文件 | exercise file for high-poly chess piece modelling
online courses on topology (hard surface)
online courses on topology (head)
完整布线课程系列请访问以下链接 | visit the following link for the complete series of course on topology
程序化建模练习:餐厅 | Procedural Modeling Exercise: Restaurant
更多学习资料 | More learing materials
第三方课程 | 3rd party courses
以下资料仅在课堂内提供下载链接密码 | The download password of the following materials are only available within the class.
教程:你的第一个几何节点项目 | Your First Geometry Nodes Project
教程:初学者的Blender4几何节点教程 | Blender 4 Geometry Nodes For Beginners
教程:Blender 3.3几何节点入门 | Intro To Geometry Nodes Using Blender 3.3
教程:Blender几何节点程序化建模入门 |
Intro To Procedural Modeling With Geometry Nodes in Blender
教程:Blender中的几何节点 | Geometry Nodes In Blender
教程:Blender几何节点程序化建模 |
Procedural Modelling In Blender With Geometry Nodes
教程:从头学几何节点 | Geometry Nodes From Scratch
教程:创建令人愉悦的几何节点动画 | Satisfying Geometry Nodes Animation
教程:几何节点训练营 | Geometry Nodes BootCamp Vol 1
教程:Blender 3.3+中的几何节点 | Geometry Nodes For Blender 3.3+
教程:终极Blender几何节点教程 | The Ultimate Blender 3D Geometry Nodes Course
无 | N/A
UV整理练习文件 | exercise file for UV unwrapping
UV相关扩展阅读资料 | Extensive Reading materials for UV editing
UV概念及操作 | UV concepts and operations
UV编辑器 | UV editor
UV Project修改器 | UV Project modifier
UV Warp修改器 | UV Warp modifier
在Blender中整理头部模型UV | unwrapping a head model in Blender
RizomUV整理练习文件1:头像 | exercise file for RizomUV unwrapping 1: Head
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
RizomUV整理练习文件2:机器人 | exercise file for RizomUV unwrapping 2: Robot
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
RizomUV视频教程 | video tutorials for RizomUV
课件中的影片高清版 | high-res videos from the lecture slides
Substance Sampler材质导出练习文件 | exercise file for Substance Sampler material export
Substance Sampler材质创建练习文件 | exercise file for Substance Sampler material creation
Substance Sampler材质混合练习文件 | exercise file for Substance Sampler material blend
Substance Sampler全景图编辑练习文件 | exercise file for Substance Sampler panorama modification
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
创建项目练习 | exercise of project creation in substance painter
基础绘制练习 | Exercise of Basic Painting
智慧材质练习 | Exercise of Smart Materials
Blender重拓扑练习 | Exercise of Retopology in Blender
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
制作法线贴图练习 | Exercise of Creating a Normal Map
机械胸像材质绘制练习 | Exercise of Painting a Robot Bust
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
角色绘制练习 | Exercise of Painting a Human Character
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
第三方教学视频 | 3rd Party Video Tutorials
尝试在Blender中渲染 | Try Rendering in Blender
创造逼真渲染画面的小贴士 | tips for creating believable renderings
建议 | Tips 简要解释 | Simple Explanation
正确的尺寸 | Correct Dimensions
正确的尺寸是创造令人信服画面的基础 | Realistic rendering is based on correct dimensions.
边缘倒角 | Beveled Edges
倒角会产生漂亮的边缘高光增加真实感 | Beveled edges brings beautiful edge highlight which strongly enhances realism.
不规则与不完美 | Irregularity & Imperfection
加入局部或整体的随机性与差异性,能够有效提升渲染真实感 |
By introducing local or global randomness and variance, rendering realism can be enhanced.
不完美的镜头 | Imperfect Lens
镜头/相机缺陷在画面上的典型表现包括:色差(色相差)、光晕、炫光、暗角、畸变等 |
Typical phenomena of imperfect lens/cameras include color (chromatic) aberration, bloom, lens flare, vignette, distortion etc.
做旧 | Aging
“做旧”对于营造真实感来说举足轻重,但做旧并不是在物体表面随意涂抹脏污或覆盖一层噪音贴图,必须考虑自然力量与人力对于物体的影响 |
Aging is a significant task if you want to create a realistic rendering, but it’s not an arbitrary smudge of dirt or an overlay of noise map. You must consider the effect of natural power and human factors.
照明变化 | Variance of Lighting
应当充分考虑灯光的明暗、色彩与属性的对比关系 | The contrast of intensity, color and property of lights shall be considered carefully.
镜头外光源 | Out-of-frame Light Sources
来自镜头外的照明与投影通过暗示镜头外的世界增加场景的空间感 |
Illumination and shadows from outside the lens add the sense of space by suggesting a world not captured by the camera.
全局照明 | Global Illumination
有无全局照明,尤其是漫反射,会对渲染的整体真实性产生决定性的影响 |
The presence or absence of global illumination, diffuse reflection in special, decides the realism of rendering to a great extent.
次表面散射 | Sub-surface scattering
次表面散射对于蜡、塑料、牛奶、皮肤等材质尤为重要 | SSS is critical to materials like wax, plastic, milk and skin.
焦散 | Caustics
折射焦散射对于透明材质而言极为重要;有些情况下反射焦散对于镜面反光材质而言很重要 |
Refractive caustics are critical to transparent materials. Reflective caustics are sometime important to materials strong in specular reflection.
正确使用景深 | Correct DOF
景深应当与镜头焦距、被摄对象距离匹配;正确的焦外成像效果有助于增强景深真实感 |
DOF shall match focal length and target distance. A correct Bokeh effect enhances DOF realism.
环境 | Environment
尽量避免在虚空背景上渲染;对于反射、折射而言,环境尤为重要,即便它不直接出现在镜头中 |
Avoid using a void background in your rendering. Environment is critical to reflection and refraction even if it’s not directly visible.
雾效与大气透视 | Fog and Atmosphere Perspective
雾效不仅可以创建“雾”还可以创建“大气透视效果”,不仅可以“遮瑕”更可以提升场景空间感与真实感 |
Fog and atmosphere perspective, both achieved with fog effect, not only hides defects, but also raises sense of dimension and reality.
隐藏地平线 | Hide the Horizon
除非在沙漠、草原或海洋上或者是在高空中,地平线不应该出现在渲染画面中 |
The horizon shall never be visible in the final rendering unless you are rendering a desert, grassland, ocean or spatial view.
体积效果与粒子效果 | Volume and Particle Effects
体积效果与粒子效果能够为渲染结果增加动感与生气 | Volume effects and particle effects add dynamic feeling and vividness to your rendering.
后处理 | Post-processing
无论PS还是AE都可能起到“锦上添花”甚至“点石成金”的神奇效果 |
Photoshop and After effects may both make your final work better or even save it from failure.
细节决定成败 | All Details Matter
对于一件成功的作品而言任何细节都不容错过 | All details shall be taken care of in a successful artwork.
参考,参考,参考 | Reference, Reference, Reference
有足够多的参考资料不能确保作品的质量,但是没有足够多的参考资料一定做不出好的作品 |
Sufficient good references do not guarantee high creation quality, while insufficient references definitely dooms it.
从Substance Painter到Blender | From Substance Painter to Blender
渲染特性 | render features
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
材质表现范例:石与木 | Material Expression Example: Rock and Wood
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
材质表现范例:金属 | Material Expression Example: Metal
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
材质表现范例:玻璃与液体 | Material Expression Example: Glass and Liquid
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
材质表现范例:塑料 | Material Expression Example: Plastic
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
材质表现范例:蜡烛 | Material Expression Example: Wax
第三方素材来源 | source of 3rd-party content
原生插件 | bundled add-ons
名称 | Name 功能 | Functions 链接 | Link
Magic UV
UV展开 | UV unwrapping
角色绑定 | character binding
Node Wrangler
节点快捷操作 | fast node operations
第三方插件 | third-party add-ons
名称 | Name 功能 | Functions 链接 | Link
操作集成与菜单优化 | operation optimizer
Hard Ops
操作集成与菜单优化 | operation optimizer
Mesh Machine
布线调整与优化 | edge flow adjustment and optimization
Box Cutter
切割建模 | modeling via subtraction
布尔建模 | modeling via boolean operations
Random Flow
随机网格挤出 | random polygon extrusion
Quad Remesher
重拓扑 | retopology
Flip Fluids
流体模拟 | fluid simulation
Auto Rig Pro
角色绑定 | character binding
创建植物 | plantation
创建植物 | plantation
Geo Scatter
散布物体 | object scattering
Fluent Materialzer
快捷程序化材质 | procedural materials
Node Preview
节点预览 | preview geometry nodes
Blender转Maya | Conversion from Blender to Maya
快捷导入导出 | fast import and export
Physical Starlight and Atmosphere
程序化天空 | procedural sky
专业摄像机插件 | professional camera add-on
Turbo Tools
渲染加速 | rendering acceleration
二维美术 | 2D Art
分辨率与清晰度 | resolution and definition
色彩深度和alpha通道 | color depth and alpha
贴图文件格式 | texture file formats
贴图制作原则 | principles of texture creation
GUI和立方体贴图 | GUI textures and cubemaps
HDRI贴图 | HDRI textures
基于物理的材质设计 | PBR materials
三维美术 | 3D Art
多边形数量 | polygon count
其它建模考虑因素 | other modeling hints
渲染优化策略 | rendering optimization
动画 | animation
模块化建模策略 | modular modeling strategy
法线贴图 | normal mapping

学习任务 | Learning Tasks

课程学前调研 | pre-course survey
访问以此链接完成课程学前调研问卷 |
Fill in the pre-course survey questionnaire using this link.
9月23日前使用在线腾讯文档提交设计方案 | submit your design proposal using the online Tencent Doc app by Sep. 23
(若无法查看或编辑表格,请先登录 | If you cannot view or edit the table, please log in first.)
课后自学 | self-study
基于“学习资料 → 03. 人工智能内容生成”完成自学 |
Finish the self-learning tasks using the content in “Learning Materials → 03. Artificial Intelligence Generated Content”
复习 | review
使用“学习资料 → 04. 主要建模方式”复习课程内容 |
Review with the content in “Learning Materials → 04. Mainstream Approaches for 3D Modeling”
复习与自学 | review and self-study
使用“学习资料 → 05. Blender基础知识与操作”进行复习并自学课上未详细展开的内容 |
Use “Learning Materials → 05. Basic Knowledge and Operations of Blender” to review and self-study the content not elaborated in class.
修改设计方案 | Design Revision
根据任课教师反馈意见修改设计方案 | Revise the design based on feedback from the teacher.

课程成果 | Learning Outcomes

历年佳作 | Previous Works

作品展示链接 | Links to the works